Seattle Public Schools

Data Access for Partners

Unified Insights 

What is Unified Insights?

Unified Insights (previously known as Hoonuit) is a data platform that centrally tracks student supports provided by school staff and community-based organizations (CBOs). This platform provides tools that can support our district in building a shared record of what supports a student is currently receiving, who else is serving that student, what supports students have received before, and if those supports were successful.

Key Features

  • Direct log-in for CBOs
  • Academic data dashboards, updated nightly
  • Create and share custom groups for data analysis
  • Securely track student enrollment, attendance, and minutes served in supports

Training and Access

Seattle Public Schools or community-based organization staff can received Unified Insights access, after completing the steps summarized below.

Seattle Public Schools Staff

  1. Users must first have either PowerTeacher or PowerSchool access. Need access to PowerSchool? See our reference document with training links.
  2. Complete Unified Insights 101 and 201 courses, accessible from LEARN. One clock hour is available for each course (2 hours total).
  3. After training completion, the user account will be activated.

Community-Based Organization Staff

  1. Contact to create a SPS Contractor Account.
  2. Submit an annual Data Sharing Agreement and receive SPS approval.
  3. Establish consent to access individual student data, either through gathering FERPA forms or, for Institutional Service partners only, through a Principal approved student list.
  4. Email or Natalie Williams at to be enrolled in training courses.
  5. After training completion you will receive an email notification that an account was created.

Student-level Data Access

  • SPS Staff: Security in Unified Insights will be the same as PowerSchool access, meaning SPS staff will only have access to student-level data for students that they are serving.
  • CBO Staff: Security in Unified Insights will be limited to students who you have established consent for, either through annual FERPA forms or the Institutional Service process.


Want some ideas about how this tool could support your work? Look through our guide 5 Ways for CBOs to Use Unified Insights

For questions or technical assistance, contact or Natalie Williams at